Friday, March 23, 2018

Round 1: (7) Eyes, Nose, Fingers And Toes vs. (10) Bingo Was His Name

Muppets vs. puppets!

Eyes, Nose, Fingers And Toes
Available in board book format. (Amazon)

Yet another Sesame Street Babies book, this time covering some body parts. H. has been kinda ambivalent about this one, to be honest. He'll pick it up every now and then, but usually just long enough to point out the characters he likes before heading off to the next thing. I don't know if that bodes well for its chances here.

Bingo Was His Name
Available in board book format. (Amazon)

The next finger puppet book in the tournament, Bingo Was His Name is literally just the song that you probably learned when you were a kid, but with a little dog finger puppet. It does at least show Bingo's day on the farm, so it's a little educational, I guess.

Match-up Analysis

Sesame Street books have NOT been doing well in this tournament, and I have a hard time believing it's got what it takes to beat out a finger puppet book.


A clean sweep for Bingo Was His Name


This was a close one, which is to say, H. had absolutely no interest in picking a book, and had a hissy fit when he realized he couldn't read one of tomorrow night's books instead. So after a tiny rage meltdown, he went on to begrudgingly pick Eyes, Nose, Fingers And Toes.

Up Next

Eyes, Nose, Fingers And Toes will take it's chances against Tubby Bañito on April 19th.

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