Thursday, March 22, 2018

Round 1: (2) Tubby Bañito vs. (15) Big And Small, Far And Near

Dirty babies and animal besties.

Tubby Bañito
by Leslie Patricelli
Available in board book format. (Amazon)

We've been trying to be those parents and get H. started learning a second language alongside his first. The problem, of course, is that neither of us are anywhere even approaching fluent in a second language, which makes teaching one to a tiny person a little harder. Then I stumbled across Tubby Bañito at the library one day. The concept of bilingual board books had never even crossed my mind!

I checked it out and it quickly became a favorite, to the extent that we had to buy him a copy as soon as it went back to the library. As a bonus, I've managed to learn most of the Spanish parts, as well as the fact that dogs say "guau" instead of "woof", so everybody comes out ahead here.

Big And Small, Far And Near
by Sandy Damashek
Available in board book format. (Amazon)

I'm honestly shocked I managed to find this one on Amazon. This book was a gift my grandmother gave my sister when she was a wee small person waaaaay back in the early 90's. It's a story about Bella Elephant and Molly Mouse, who basically do everything the opposite of each other. Somehow, this doesn't lead to as many Felix-and-Oscar situations as you might expect.

Match-up Analysis

Tubby Bañito is a massive favorite in this match-up. This is one of the few that H. will just sit down with and flip through completely on his own. Big And Small, Far And Near doesn't really get the playtime that Tubby Bañito does, so I can't imagine that it will stand much of a chance.


Tubby Bañito takes it all.


It was actually a surprisingly close match-up, and H. took his time deciding, but ultimately he went with Tubby Bañito. And then he said "guau" at the doggy.

Up Next

Tubby Bañito will take on the winner of Eyes, Nose, Fingers And Toes and Bingo Was His Name on April 19th.

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